
Champion Jumper

At 9.1 hands, I’ve always been small for my age. Lots of people think I’m a baby horse, but I’m actually 29 years-old. The only time I feel big is when I go to miniature horse shows, because most minis are shorter than me.
If you’re small, like me, I’m happy to be friends. But if you are taller than four feet, you’ll need to be calm, gentle, and take your time to get to know me. If you do, you’ll earn my trust and I will do almost anything for you.
Here are a few things you need to know if you want to be friends with me. Sudden movements and unexpected situations make me nervous and jumpy. I feel anxious when people shout or get angry at me. I’d rather you not touch my face unless it is necessary. And just because I don’t want to snuggle with you doesn’t mean I don’t like you.
I’m great at giving pony rides to small riders, and I’m obedient and willing to do what you ask, whether it is going on a trail ride, walking through an obstacle course, or going over a jump. I love jumping. Like really, really love jumping. And I have the ribbons and trophies to prove it. And at 29 years-old, I can still sail over 30 inch jumps effortlessly. That’s like a 16 hand horse jumping four feet four inches.
I’m super competitive and like to prove that although I’m small, I’m mighty. If you can’t come and visit me, you can follow my life by signing up for Laura's monthly newsletter.


Everyone's best friend

Do you have a treat? Apples and carrots are great, but if you happen to have a candy cane, I’ll be your friend forever. Please excuse the drool while I suck on this peppermint for a while.

I used to live with my friend, Max, but we had to move away from each other. Max is a year older than me, but at 9.3 hands, I’m two inches taller than he is, and about 50 pounds heavier. Like all friends, we used to have occasional disagreements. They usually involved who got to eat the hay first. I won most of the time.

In addition to eating, I love to be groomed and given attention. I’m happy to snuggle with my human friends, both big and small.

I also enjoy pulling my cart, and sometimes a sleigh in the winter. I’m a good sport about being ridden by small children, though I sometimes have to remind them that I’m the boss. There are limits to my patience, after all. But I did make sure my human friend, X, won most of our walk/trot classes, and was the reserve champion in our club in 2017. That was also the year I was the high point champion in open pleasure driving.

My owner decided it was time to retire me from showing after the 2018 season. I was a good show horse, always looking my best, and I won quite a few blue ribbons in showmanship. I mean, look at me. I’m an absolutely adorable “few spot leopard appaloosa” pony. I’ve even got markings that look like eyebrows!

Unfortunately, I have to cover my eyes most of the time because I have a medical condition called uveitis (sometimes called moon blindness). Uveitis is common in horses like me who have appaloosa coloring. It causes swelling of the tissue inside a horse’s eye, and over time it can lead to blindness. Luckily, I rarely have flare-ups because my owner takes excellent care of me and makes sure I wear a fly mask year round to protect my eyes from the sun. Even if you can’t come and give me a treat in person, you can still be my friend.

Tater Tot

The blue-eyed cutie pie

My name is Tater Tot. A lot of my friends just me Tate. I'm a lot smaller than Max, but I don't let him push me around. In fact, I like to show all the big horses that I'm a mighty stallion! Okay, I used to be a stallion, before I was rescued by the MSSPA (Maine State Society for the Protection of Animals).

Before I was rescued, I was imprisoned inside a fruit crate in a trailer. My hooves were so long I could barely walk. But now I live in a big paddock near the river. When it gets cold or rainy, Max and I hang out inside our adorable little cottage. and Tater TotMax and Dusty